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Brink. Molenweg 10b, 6732 BL Harskamp
Support: +31 (0)318 452 500 Email:
Brink Distributors & Partners
Certified distributors and partners play a vital role in keeping the lines between Brink Moulds & Automation and users operating smoothly. We recognize and treat our distributors and partners as an integral part of our Global Sales Team.

Global Sales Team
Sales Manager
Hans Veldboer
Phone: +31 (0)318 275 537
France / Poland / Russia / North Africa
Sales Manager
Max Zinnemers
Phone: +31 (0)318 452 500
Australia / New Zealand / USA / Canada
Sales Manager
Richard Kroezen
Phone: +31 (0)318 452 500
United Kingdom / Ireland / Benelux / Turkey / Germany
Sales Manager
Roeland Jansen
Phone: +31 (0)318 452 500
North Germany / Asia / South America / Portugal / Spain / Italy
Sales Manager
Matthias Arping
Phone: +31 (0)318 452 500
Germany / Austria / Czech Republic / East Europe / USA
Sales Manager
Coen Versteeg
Phone: Phone: +31(0)318 275 546
Head of Sales
Maarten Vos
Phone: +31 (0)318 452 500
Sales Manager
Kees van Heerikhuize
Phone: +31 (0)318 452 500
Brink USA
Mike Klestinec
Phone: +1-303-993-7221
Brink Molds & Automation Services USA
Australia & NZ
Chudleigh Sutch South Pacific
Phone: +61 402 210 805
All locations
Brink Moulds Harskamp
Molenweg 10b
6732BL Harskamp
The Netherlands
Tel.: 0031 (0) 318-452500
Brink Mould Service Harskamp
Molenstraat 7-B
6732BP Harskamp
The Netherlands
Tel.: 0031 (0) 318-452500
Brink Moulds Hapert
Industrieweg 1
5527 AJ Hapert
The Netherlands
Tel.: 0031 (0) 497-381644
Brink Moulds Winterswijk
Ambachtsstraat 41
7102 DW Winterswijk
The Netherlands
Tel.: 0031 (0)543-546000
Brink Mould Service Zelhem
Stikkenweg 56
7021 BN Zelhem
The Netherlands
Tel.: 0031 (0)314-622319
Brink Automation Harskamp
Molenweg 10b
6732BL Harskamp
The Netherlands
Tel.: 0031 (0) 318-452500
Brink VDB Packaging Winterswijk
Ambachtsstraat 41
7102DW Winterswijk
The Netherlands
Tel.: 0031 (0) 543-820001
Brink Services USA
1475 Arthur Ave
CO 80027 Louisville
United States of America
Tel.: +1-303-993-7221